Richard Paul Lohse. Wir Neger in Amerika / Richard Wright. Zürich: Büchergilde Gutenberg, 1948
“In 1948, Richard Paul Lohse designed the German edition of Richard Wright's Twelve Million Black Voices: A Folk History of the Negro in the United States, entitled Wir Neger in Amerika, with a 15-unit grid. The book displays an unusual concept for dealing with photographic illustrations. A suggestive image with a cropped girl's head is set on the right-hand page, traditionally reserved for the title page; the line of her eyes and the title line are aligned with the grid. Lohse left a great deal of white space open.”
Christian Brändle, et al. 100 years of Swiss graphic design. Zürich: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, 2014 (p. 71)
“Asymmetrical layout and Grotesk type were the convention adopted by Modernist designers such as Richard Paul Lohse. Their usual practice was to devise a basic modular grid, into which the text and images were fitted (...) The squares on the front cover boards imply the module of spaced squares which underly the page layouts: three squares across, four down. The white space on the page is varied to allow the photographs to appear where they relate to the text, or to make telling juxtapositions. Paragraphs are indicated by line spaces, a method disapproved of by Tschichold.”
Richard Hollis. Swiss graphic design: the origins and growth of an international style, 1920-1965. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006 (p. 150)