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Aus der Werkstatt der Natur / Hermann Drechsler. Berlin: Büchergilde Gutenberg, 1930

“Jan Tschichold (1902-1974) designed two books for the Büchergilde Gutenberg. The first was published in 1925 [Das Fahrten- und Abenteuerbuch], and this book five years later. Here we can see some refinements in Tschichold's design style: the thick bars and dots have gone, and the page numbers are smaller and placed symmetrically. The spine with its silver writing and a vertical line between author and title is similar to [the] book Tschichold designed 37 years later [Asymmetric Typography]. There is a contrasting mix of type: bold sans-serif for titles and numbers, light sans-serif for the index and captions, Antiqua for text.”

Felix Wiedler. “Colin Ross: das Fahrten- und Abenteuerbuch”. Book (design) stories. From new typography to swiss style: modernist book design in Germany and Switzerland 1925–1965 (and beyond), 2007

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