Richard Paul Lohse. Landschaften der Schweiz / Heinrich Gutersohn. Zürich: Büchergilde Gutenberg, 1950
“Concrete art extended the Constructivist aesthetic by adding mathematical thinking. Since Concrete artists were in many cases also graphic designers, their use of mathematics provided a model for the geometrical organization of space in two-dimensional design. Equally influential was the Constructivists’ practice of photography. Photography was intrinsic to realizing the aim of objectivity (‘Sachlichkeit’), the straightforward, impersonal recording of objects and events (...) As a ‘Concrete’ artist Lohse employed the same simple geometry and permutation of elements as he used in his paintings.”
Richard Hollis. Swiss graphic design: the origins and growth of an international style, 1920-1965. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006 (p. 11,12)
“Zürich-based abstract painter and graphic designer Richard Paul Lohse (1902-1988) was one of the most prolific Swiss book designers of his time. For the Swiss Büchergilde Gutenberg alone he was involved in the design of arond one hundred books from 1938 through 1954 – often responsible for the entire book design, sometimes only for the dustjacket. In the 1940s the Büchergilde lanched its scientific books series "Forschung und Leben" (Research and Life), and Lohse designed most of the dustjackets – among them some true highights. However the covers and inner pages were not designed by Lohse but followed a standardised scheme which was rather conventional compared to Lohse's modernist dustjackets: the cloth covers and the title pages used a symmetrical layout.”
Felix Wiedler. “Fritz Kobel: Vererbung und Leben”. Book (design) stories. From new typography to Swiss style: modernist book design in Germany and Switzerland 1925–1965 (and beyond), 2007