Richard Paul Lohse. Neuer Wohnbau, II. Ravensburg: Otto Maier Verlag, 1952
“To the Concrete artists, the use of mathematically determined sizes and proportions had much wider implications, philosophical and social. For Lohse it was an article of faith. The essential task in art and in architecture is the creation of flexible modular systems… Serial and modular structures will be the law of construction of our era, and our task will be to master these systems. Behind us is the homeland of… simple relationships and proportions. Before us, the field of infinite law and infinite flexibility. Lohse’s painting and design work followed the same principles. As editor of the magazine Bauen+Wohnen (Building+Home), Lohse had a firm grasp of architectural ideas.”
Richard Hollis. Swiss graphic design: the origins and growth of an international style, 1920-1965. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006 (p. 170)