Richard Paul Lohse. Poètes à l' écart / Carola Giedion-Welcker. Bern: Benteli, 1946
“The cover design and typography by Swiss painter and graphic designer Richard Paul Lohse (1902-1988) is stunning. With its rectangular color fields in red, yellow, black and white, the cover reflects Lohse's "constructive" painting style he started to develop in the mid-1940s. The book was originally issued with a glassine protective dust wrapper. Set entirely in sans-serif, this small paperback is an early example of Swiss typography as it became internationally renowned in later years. The square format and the multilingual text are also typically "Swiss".”
Felix Wiedler. “Carola Giedion-Welcker: Poètes à l'écart / Anthologie der abseitigen”. Book (design) stories. From new typography to Swiss style: modernist book design in Germany and Switzerland 1925–1965 (and beyond), 2007