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Statistisch Zakboek 1944-1946_1
Statistisch Zakboek 1944-1946_2
Statistisch Zakboek 1944-1946_3
Statistisch Zakboek 1944-1946_4
Statistisch Zakboek 1944-1946_5
Statistisch Zakboek 1944-1946_6
Statistisch Zakboek 1944-1946_7
Statistisch Zakboek 1944-1946_8
Statistisch Zakboek 1944-1946_9
Statistisch Zakboek 1944-1946_10
Statistisch Zakboek 1944-1946_13
Statistisch Zakboek 1944-1946_12
Statistisch Zakboek 1944-1946_11

Statistisch Zakboek 1944-1946 / Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek. Utrecht : Uitgeversmaatschappij W. de Haan N.V., 1947

“Isotype (International System Of Typographic Picture Education) was a communication system that aimed to 'turn the statements of science into pictures.' The name was invented by Marie Neurath when the team received a commission for the book International Picture Language. The system derived directly from the Vienna Method of Pictorial Statistics [Wiener Methode der Bildstatistik], developed at the Viennese Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum (GWM). Isotype and 'Bildstatistik' found broad application in books, exhibitions and posters from 1924 until the official dissolution of the Isotype Institute in England in 1971 (...) Isotype and 'Bildstatistik' owed much to the style of 'Neue Sachlichkeit.' Otto Neurath was directly connected to the Bauhaus, especially to its second director Hannes Meyer. They articulated a common vision of a modern way of life which drew upon the same scientific and machine-centered images.”


Helena Doudova, Stephanie Jacobs, and Patrick Rössler, eds. Image factories: infographic concepts, 1920-1945. Leipzig: Spector Books, 2017 (p. 64-65)

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