Clinical aspects of mental illness. London; Basel: Roche, 1961
“In 1955 he became consultant to the large pharmaceutical firm of F. Hoffman-La Roche in Basel, and designed their entire range of books, labels, advertisements and stationery. This included a series of booklets explaining the uses of new drugs to the medical profession, in German, French and/or English, illustrated with photographs and line drawings often in several colours. They are essentially restarined in style (some would say they are actually ‘under-designed’- better than being ‘over-designed’) but with all of Tschichold’s meticulous attention to detail. Mostly set in Garamond and printed on toned Basingwerk Parchment, they do not carry the names of either designer or printer.”
Ruari McLean. Jan Tschichold: a life in typography. London: Lund Humphries, 1997 (p. 13-14)