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The artist at work / H. Ruhemann and E.M. KempHardmondsworth: Penguin, 1951

“One book falls outside this programme: The Artist at Work. It contains descriptive illustrations accompanying a popular thesis about the understanding of art. On seeing this varied material, Tschichold immediately chose an asymmetric solution to the problem. Whereever possible he divided the pages into two or three columns but diverted from this system when it wasn’t appropriate. He built an ingenious system of dynamic column headings and created a form that concurred with the content and worked absolutely perfectly. This example is mentioned because it shows that Tschichold has not single-mindedly followed the principle of symmetry since he abandoned the ideas of the Bauhaus school. When the assignment in itself poses a free solution, then he works asymmetrically, and of course he does this as naturally as he did in 1930).”

Erik Ellegaard Frederiksen. The typography of Penguin Books. Richmond, Surrey: Penguin Collectors’ Society, 2004 (p. 21-22)

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