Alexander Rodchenko, Varvara Stepanova. URSS en construcción, nº 4, 1938
“In the issue they [Rodchenko and Stepanova] designed on the Election of the Supreme Soviet, which described the event, particularly the election of Stalin, as a free choice of the people, the dissimilarity between the representation of a purported free election and the control the party exercised over its outcome was increased by the photographs of roses that bedecked some of the layouts, particularly the spread featuring a portrait of Stalin looking off into the distance along side an effusive paean to him by the poet Victor Gusev that ended with the lines: The million voices blend, naming their first candidate Stalin, leader, friend.”
Victor Margolin. The struggle for utopia: Rodchenko, Lissitzky, Moholy-Nagy. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1997 (p. 207)
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Glòria Farré-Escofet París, Andreu Jansà Matussek
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Gala Novellas
Jose Guzmán
Oriol Roig
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